Davenport University joins the #GivingTuesdayNow global movement to support our students in the communities we cherish. The Davenport University community would like to send a message of gratitude to all those on the frontlines, whose care,...
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A project of:
Student Scholarships
Due to these extreme circumstances, our students are faced with unexpected costs. We have received a record number of requests for the Student Emergency Fund. I invite you today to support our students by making a gift to the Student Emergency...
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A project of:
Student Scholarships
The Davenport Fund is the most flexible of all of the campus scholarship funds and is used to benefit students from every campus, every academic program and every level. It is used to assist students with financial need and academic potential. The...
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If you don't see the exact fund you are looking for you can follow the steps below to write in the fund you intend to give your gift to. Our internal processing team will direct your gift to the appropriate fund. 1. Select or enter the amount you...